
How Restaurants Are Marketing Themselves During the COVID-19 Pandemic

By |August 24th, 2020|Categories: Business|

Like many businesses and industries, restaurants are finding it necessary to improvise, adapt, and overcome in order to stay in business during the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes changing up their marketing strategies. What are some different things restaurants are doing to market themselves during the pandemic?

Tips For Making Websites Compliant With Washington State RCW 42.56, The Public Records Act

By |June 26th, 2020|Categories: Government|Tags: , , |

If you’re not a Washington State public servant you might assume that RCW 42.56 is a droid in the latest installment of the Star Wars saga. And while that would make this article considerably more exciting, the designation actually refers to the Washington State Public [...]

How to Set Up Google My Business Listings and Get the Most Out of Them

By |June 3rd, 2020|Categories: Business, Reputation Management|

You’re a local, face-to-face business and you haven’t set up your Google My Business listing yet? Do you hate money? Do you have any idea how much you’re leaving on the table? Well, we can’t tell you exactly, but it’s a lot!According to Think With [...]

Live Chat Isn’t Just For Websites Anymore Which Is Why Your Website Needs it

By |May 20th, 2020|Categories: Business|

We’ve all seen them — the ubiquitous little chat bubbles that are popping up on websites everywhere. You’ve probably used one to get a quick answer to a pressing question. And you’ve likely been annoyed when you needed an answer and the chat bubble was [...]