Do Seniors Use the Internet? Absolutely! If You Aren’t Reaching Them Online, You’re Missing a Huge Opportunity
Today's senior citizens aren't your father's senior citizens. They're not puttering around their homes in housecoats, with belts set just below their chests, knitting to the radio hits of yesterday, spouting things like, "Well isn't that nice, deary" and "You kids get off my lawn!" [...]
Good Graphic Design Can Save You Money. Bad Graphic Design Is Just Bad.
There are certain things you never want to pay more for. Bottled water comes to mind. As long as the "spring" they're tapping isn't the New York sewer system, water is water. Dry cleaners can't get your clothes cleaner than clean, so you get nothing [...]
Bad Online Reviews? Turn Negative Reviews into Great Experiences.
Online reviews have become ubiquitous in our everyday lives. Mobile devices have made it incredibly easy to find reviews on just about anything. Whether you're looking for an eye doctor, a car, or a quick bite you can instantly see what others have to say [...]
Keep It or Scrap It? Here’s When You Should Update a Website and When You Should Build a New One
Repair or replace? It's the age-old question. Should you keep your '92 Saturn limping along with duct tape and happy thoughts or should you buy a new car? Should you hop from job to job in an industry you hate or go back to school? [...]
The Pleasures and Perils of WordPress: Pros and Cons of the World’s Most Popular CMS
Just as there are people today that have never used a VHS tape, never had the chance to enjoy a Humunga-Chunga from Chi Chi's, and don't remember music before Nickelback ruined it forever, there are young web designers that have never experienced a world without [...]
Ophthalmology Marketing: 4 Tips to Make Your Practice More Attractive Online
As an ophthalmologist, your job is to make sure people can see the world around them. Your job is important, you're highly educated in a complex healthcare field. You should be focused on your practice which is why you should also consider working with a competent digital [...]
4 Advantages of High Quality Reputation Management
Every business can benefit from a great online reputation and hiring a Reputation Management firm can help you maintain it. Whether you're an arborist, plumber, electrician, optometrist, or software developer, people are searching for someone like you to help them solve a problem. Even with [...]
Eyecare Marketing: 4 Simple Tips to Improve Visibility
Eyecare marketing is changing. At this point in time, everyone understands that we're all using online search for just about everyting. In a previous blog article we discussed how 92% of 26-36 year-olds reported using a smart phone for local searches. Sure, if you're lucky you may [...]
Optometrist Marketing 101: The 3 Things You Need to Do
Like most businesses, optometrists are always looking for effective methods of attracting new patients to their practice. Online marketing, search engines, and social media are valuable starting points for growing your optometry practice. Most consumers find information about optometry and care providers online these days. [...]